Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Both Dr Faustus and the pardoner share an obsessive greed Essay

Both Dr Faustus and the pardoner share an obsessive greed. For Faustus we are fascinated by his greed to rival God in terms of power and knowledge, but repelled by his methods in which to pursue this, which leads him to sell his soul to the devil. Why would one go to such lengths to have his â€Å"most desires[†¦ ]of power, of honour, of omnipotence†, it is this fact that repels us from Faustus as his methods are immoral. But we are fascinated by the disastrous effects it has upon Faustus, inevitably leading him to Hell, moreover, within the 24 years that he had to fulfil his desires, he doesn’t do the extravagant things he claimed he was going to do such as to â€Å"fill the public schools with silk† or â€Å"ransack the ocean for orient pearl†, highlighting that pursuing greed inevitably leads to a person’s demise. The same can be said in the Pardoner’s tale, in which three peasants find an old man who they mistake for death in which he leads them to a true where they find gold. There obsession can be easily connected to human nature which undermines our fascination to their situation, because it could happen to anyone. It’s common to want to be superior in wealth to others, competition drives advancements, so in that respect, we are not fascinated by the Pardoner’s tale. Another viewpoint would be that we are fascinated by the Pardoner’s tale because we can easily connect to it, the same being for Faustus. Furthermore, the Pardoner himself is a fascinating character because of his blatant contradiction. He openly tells the pilgrims that he sells â€Å"relikes† made of â€Å"cloutes and of bones†, rags and bones in which he deceives people to buy them. But the message of the tale is that the obsession of money leads to death, however the pardoner openly admits his obsession of money. Faustus is obsessed with knowledge. He would stop at nothing to gain all the knowledge in the world which is why he becomes depressed when Mephastophilis only presents him with one book which has the answers to his questions, â€Å"O thou art deceived†. Because Faustus is so fixated on acquiring all the knowledge there is to know, he doesn’t expect it to be all in one book. This repels us from Faustus because to acquire this knowledge he goes to extreme lengths, in this instance, selling his soul to the devil for 24 years. When the story was first published in 1604, the audience would of definiately been repelled by this because selling ones soul to the devil would be of been a serious sin. Modern interpretations would be more liberal to the fact that Faustus sells his soul, but in a country where around 80% are Christian, a modern day audience would still be repelled and deem it immoral to go to such extreme lengths. What fascinates us about Faustus is his greed to rival that of God, not the methods he does to acquire this, but the fact that he has this desire. He openly challenges God, yet openly praises God and heaven, â€Å"when I behold the heavens, then I repent[.. ]thou hast deprived me of those joys†. There is a constant battle with Faustus between his obsession with power and his religious beliefs. He wants to â€Å"go forward† in terms of knowledge but to an extent where he becomes isolated from God because he is so driven by his obsession. Christopher Marlowe highlights that following greed will inevitably lead to downfall and Faustus’s downfall was being too obsessed with power and knowledge which lead him to sell his soul in desperation for this. Also, for the 24 years that he had before his soul would be taken he could have fulfilled his desires, instead performing petty illusions for the emperor calling him â€Å"my gracious lord†, highlighting that even with immense power he still follows the social rules of life. Which in effect show the limits of man, as with so much power, Faustus is still limited to the restrictions of his mind. Also, being obsessed with greed will lead ultimately lead to failure, Faustus is blinded by short term gains, not taking into account long term implications, â€Å"do give both body and soul to Lucifer†, he sells his soul to the devil which is for eternity, not realising this, only to please himself for 24 years. The same can be said in the Pardoner’s tale, in which the peasants become obsessed with money when â€Å"they founde of florins fine of gold†. Earlier in the Pardoner’s tale, the Pardoner states that â€Å"Radix malorum est Cupiditas† – Love of money is the root of all evil. Foreshadowing grave consequences for the peasants who find the gold, in which their obsession for the gold leads them to kill eachother off, even forgetting their oath of becoming brother, â€Å"and ech of us bicomen others brother†. When blinded by greed, the three peasants only think about themselves, which highlights the damaging effects of an obsession for wealth. It’s our basic instinct to want to be better than others and the peasants are exhibiting this behaviour. Because it’s common for people to want to be wealthier than others, the message is not unique which undermines our fascination with the story. However the person telling the story is fascinating because he openly contradicts himself, he proudly tells of his schemes to exploit poor people’s fears for money which evidently works as he makes â€Å"an hundred mark†. Why he tells of his exploitative ways is fascinating, because he openly tells the other pilgrims without fear, but as seen, the bartender finds his methods bitter, â€Å"thou woldest make me kisse thyn olde breech, and swere it were a relik of a seint†, the host points out that the Pardoner would sell his old underpants and claim it to be a relic which is why we’re repelled by the Pardoner because his methods of acquiring such wealth is deemed wrong, even as a modern interpretation.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Character Sketch Story of an Hour

Kayla Silva Mrs. Barrish English IV 31 March 2010 Character Sketch Some people believe that marriage is bliss. However that is not the case. In â€Å"Story of an Hour,† Mrs. Mallard I treated wrongly by her husband Brently Mallard. She is very tired of being hurt she wishes her life would end. When finally getting her life back together she wanting to live it long but instead it ends short still. Mrs. Mallard is very heart troubled, happy, and then shocked. Mrs. Mallard has been very heart troubled through her marriage. She is so deeply in love with Brently but not once did he love back to her. All he ever does is hurt her. Her family sees that they are not one big happy couple. â€Å"She wept at once, with sudden, wild abandonment, in her sister’s are. † Mrs. Mallard now is happy when told by her sister that her husband has died. Though her family members believe that she is crying because she is hurt. Now Mrs. Mallard will be able to live her life the way she wants it. Instead of being shut down and treated wrongly. Its says â€Å"She looks out house die her house where its new spring life. † That means that it is no longer darkness for her. Mrs. Mallard is very heart troubled from being hurt from her husband to be she is happy cause he is now gone and then shocked again. When she found out that he was dead she goes to her room and sheds tears of happiness. After her sister finally gets here to come down stairs Brently walks in. Being so shocked to realizes hes not dead after all she dies of what the say is heart diease.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Floods in India and Its Control Essay

Countries irrigated by an adequate river system are in many ways blessed. These rivers not only help agriculture, but they provide a cheap and efficient transport system for the development of internal trade. The saying goes—land divides, seas unite. But waterways bring also a good deal of misery to the people by causing devastating seasonal floods In India, for example, the sub-Himalayan regions of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Bengal and Assam are heavily flooded by the rivers of the Gengetic basin and the Brahmaputra, almost every rainy season. It brings untold sufferings to the people of these low-lying plains. Millions are rendered homeless; men and cattle die in large numbers; the damage to property including standing crops is incalculable. Besides, floods affect the health of the locality and increase the incidence of cholera, typhoid and other water-borne diseases. In 1922 and 1998 flood in North Bengal left a trail of devastation, essentially in Malda, Murshidabad areas. Floods are caused by an excessive flow of water in rivers during the rainy seasons, due mainly to torrential rain in catchment areas. This may be due to two natural causes. First, the melting of ice in glacier on the mountains may thus supply a river with volumes of water much in excess of its containing and carrying capacity. Secondly, heavy rains on the mountains cause an excess of water supply. In either case, the excess water overflows the embankments and submerges the low-lying plains. Bursting of dams and also Bridges in protective embankments lead to inundation. This causes large-scale deforestation. As for example, in the Terai regions during the war, floods destroyed the natural embankments of a river. Occasionally earthquakes, by changing the course of a river, or by raising its basin or choking and silting the riverbed cause flood Another contributory cause is the construction of railway bridges without leaving provision for the natural outflow of flood-water. Of course, floods in an agricultural country have often been looked upon as a blessing in disguise. Floods leave behind on the submerged areas a rich alluvial or silt-deposit, which greatly increases the fertility of the soil. This soil on either side of the Nile owes its fertility to the annual flooding of the area, which submerges large regions, even after the construction of Aswan Dam in Egypt. Nehru used to say—give unto the river what naturally belongs to her, i. e. homesteads should not be built on riversides or on temporary char lands. That is a sure preventive measure, better than steps to resist after-effects. Men have tried from the earliest times to build protective embankments against the incidence of floods. Ordinarily these can be made sufficiently strong to resist the usual type of floods. A system of canals to irrigate the low-lying plains affords considerable escape route for the excess water caused by a normal rainfall. But these embankments should have to be maintained properly. Modern river engineering and hydro-dynamics, however, have led to a fundamental change in the principle. It is now realised that effective control of flood should begin at the source. Flood control, therefore, in these days has moved upstream. This includes the building of adequate reservoirs in the head stream area and the application of the principle of multipurpose river control. The building of a sufficient number of reservoirs is a long-drawn and costly process. Public sentiment may not take kindly to it; for it necessarily causes large-scale displacement of population as has been noticed in the Narmada Banchao movement of Sm. Patakar. For taming the turbulent Damodar, the age-long ‘river of sorrow’, by constructing the Tilaya, Mython and other dams across her, many Bihar villagers had to be shifted, and this was not liked by the local population. The future, no doubt, belongs to successful working of multi-purpose schemes. So petty objections, raised by individual or local interest, must give way before the larger needs of the people. In recent years, the rainy season has brought heavy floods all along the sub-Himalayan plains. The overflow of the tributaries of the Ganges and the Bramhaputra has caused untold sufferings to the people of these localities. Embankments have been broken, bridges have been washed away; villages have been waterlogged, cutting off all communications for days together. The utmost damage has been caused to the towns and villages of Assam by the Brahmaputra floods. The government must put up protective embankments; help the easy drainage of water by removing artificial obstructions, and by adopting local remedies for particular regions. It has been rightly said, â€Å"Rivers that overtop their banks and flood the adjacent lowlands offer a challenge to the people who must be ready to protect their fields from inundation. â€Å"

Materials Handling Policy Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Materials Handling Policy Development - Essay Example Methods used to protect employees should be based on the proper safety measure. This is by the use of protective clothing as discussed below: It is vital to wear suitable protective gloves, aprons and boots when handling sulphuric acid as it is a corrosive material. If sulphuric acid gets into contact with the skin immediately, the first step that should be done is that the affected area should be thoroughly washed with plenty of water. It may also be essential to seek medical care (Greenberg & Cramer, 2011). Moreover, when handling this material, any employee should avoid generating vapors. All employes ought to immediately report leaks or failures of the safety equipment such as ventilation system. Also, all employees ought to avert accidental interaction with irreconcilable chemicals. Never add water to a corrosive sulphuric acid being an example. If product is moved to another vessel, ensure new vessel is appropriate for the product. Never reuse empty vessels, even if they appear right to use (Louie, 2008). In case a spill or leak of sulphuric acid occurs, one should follow instructions given by emergency service responders and local authorities. Keep products and the place out of reach of children (Louie, 2008). Gallons of this chemical should be stored safely to reduce the risk they pose to and employees handling them. Store this corrosive chemical in an area that is: cool, dry, away from direct sunlight and away from ignition sources and heat, separate from irreconcilable materials. Regularly review for physical signs of crystallization or damage (Seufert, 2014). All hazardous chemical containers like sulphuric acid are required to be branded with the chemical name, danger warnings and how to handle incidences such as spilling of the acid. The manufacturers label should be kept unbroken until the bottle, or the container has been emptied. When the chemical

Sunday, July 28, 2019

CFCs,Ozone Depletion and the Ozone Hole Assignment

CFCs,Ozone Depletion and the Ozone Hole - Assignment Example These CFCs rise up to the atmosphere, destroying the layer. The chlorine atom of a CFC reacts with an oxygen atom of the ozone molecule, resulting in two molecules of oxygen. The ozone is destroyed. An important long-term effect of the destruction of the ozone layer is a rise in the ultraviolet radiation near the earth. This in turn is a reason behind rising skin cancer, degrading of several substances like plastics, paints and fabrics, and reduced yield of major crops. It was reported by the Environmental Effects Panel in 1991 that the consequences of â€Å"a sustained 10% loss of ozone† would be a 26% rise in the occurrence of non-melanoma skin cancers (Anderson, Sarma and Sinclair, 31). A 1% loss would result in an increase of 100,000 to 150,000 cases of cataract-induced blindness throughout the world. The resulting rise in ultraviolet radiation would be responsible for a rise in the occurrence of melanoma. It was due to such drastic consequences that the Montreal Protocol was set signed by 24 nations on 16th September 1987 (Maunder 38). According to this Protocol there has to be a reduction in the consumption of CFCs by particular amounts, which would greatly reduce the degree of damage

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Scientific inquiry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Scientific inquiry - Essay Example ccording to National Standards for Science Education (NRC, 1996, p.23), scientists learn about the natural world in diverse methods on the basis of evidences derived from their work and they propose explanations for the study. The scientific inquiry includes some core elements such as ‘making observations, posting questions, examining information sources, planning investigations, analysis and interpretation of data, proposing answers, explanations and predictions, and communicating results’ (NRC, 1996, p.23. Cited in Simonson & Schlosser, p.2). Thus science and scientific inquiry are differentiated in various respects; the later tries to acquire knowledge about natural world through an assortment of observations and investigations whereas the knowledge obtained through the scientific inquiry constitutes science. I/O psychology refers to Industrial and Organizational psychology which is also called work psychology or organizational psychology or talent assessment. In the opinion of Spector (2003: 6) ‘the application of psychological principles to organizational settings’ and people at work in the organization is called Industrial and Organizational psychology. The primary objective of this branch of psychology is to preserve the ‘health and well-being’ of employees and thereby it helps the organization to ‘get the most from their employees or human resources’ (Spector. Cited in Furnham, 2005, p.2). Even though science and scientific inquiry are the fundamental elements of I/O psychology; scientific inquiry benefits more than science in the field of I/O psychology. In today’s complex business structure, priority is given to HRM strategies and thus organizational psychologists mainly concentrate on behavioral science and psychology. They analyze in dividual’s behavior through a sequence of processes such as close observations, interviews, investigations and interpretations. Organizational psychologists also make use of science for the thorough

Friday, July 26, 2019

Leadership Paper Business Internship class Term

Leadership Business Internship class - Term Paper Example The apparent vacuum in leadership manifests in the employees poor performance and low productivity. The management seemed to have credibility issue as employees are resistant from any initiative that comes from the Management. Tardiness is also high and so is absenteeism while employee attrition rate is alarming and is costing the management time and resources in training new employees. There is also an apparent discord within the organization as petty quarrels are prevalent among the employee which prevents them to work as a cohesive team. Morale is also low. From what I can deduce from how I was oriented and my initial observation with few casual interviews from employees, there seemed to be a credibility issue with the leadership in the organization. This was validated when I did my initial background research on the issue on how the previous manager fared. I found out that the previous manager was fired due to professional ineptness and questionable professional ethical behaviour in the organization. I surmise that the current leadership credibility issue and low morale in the organization was the result of the previous manager’s professional deportment and leadership. ... Take into consideration the role of the leader; leadership skills and strategies the leader will employ; relationship to others involved in the plan; resources needed to implement the plan; specific activities, etc. Leadership is important in an organization not only to get things done but also to set the direction of the organization. And because of this imperative, leadership has to be present in all aspects of organization as Quinn (1996) argues that leadership is a state of being that people can enter into irrespective of their formal role or position within an organization. . . it as a shared property of the group such that all members of the group, regardless of their formal role or position, participate in the leadership process (Carson, Tesluk, & Marrone, 2007; Morgeson, DeRue, & Karam, 2010; Pearce & Conger, 2003). My immediate plan when I assume office is to repair the broken relationship among the employees and its discord with the management. I also intend to open the com munication line to address the seemingly low morale of the employees as attrition rate is alarmingly high. From what I surmised, the employees seem not to believe in what the management is telling them as it has a credibility issue. Such that I am in a precarious situation to implement remedial measure. Relationship is tough to mend for â€Å" understanding and cooperation of superiors, peers, and subordinates, it takes time to build these relationships† (Kayser, 1973). My initial strategy as a manager is to come to the organization unobtrusively. As I assume office, I will first establish rapport with my employees. There will be initially nothing serious to be taken but just present myself to them as a human being who also feels just

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Proposal Argument I Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Proposal Argument I - Essay Example Meet the Parents† was made on this topic in which a male nurse fell in love with a girl and when they go to visit the parents of that girl everything become a nightmare just because the profession owned by that guy was nursing. The movie represents a true picture of our society because today, millions of people have a perception that nursing is only a field for females and they believe a man cannot fit in a feminine field. I believe this is totally wrong and unfair because the issue of inequality of male nurses is exactly the same to the issues of discrimination in other professions. To understand the reasons for inequality facing men in nursing, it is crucial to have an insight into the past of this profession. In the 3rd century, nursing was founded as an attractive profession in ancient rime and at that time it was dominated by men. In the 20th century, women dominated nursing and had kicked out men from this profession by creating a perception that nursing is a â€Å"feminine† profession. The biggest support with women was the foundation of the American Nurse Association in 1913, which banned the entry of men. Later, somewhere in 1930’s men were welcomed to nursing, but just in papers and documents because they were discriminated by teachers in school and later on by peers, patients and society in their workplace. I have been interviewing many registered male nurses and most of them complained about unequal treatment by teachers in school. Johnson is a registered male nurse and he told me that the course contents, class environment and teaching style were women centered, which compelled me to feel uncomfortable during classes (Johnson). Many authors also participated in making the issue of inequality in the field of nursing for male nurse by referring nurses as women in their books and text books which further discouraged males from choosing nursing as a profession. This is not the limit, as patients usually demand to have female nurses to take care of

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

BUSINESS PROJECT MANAGEMENT Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words - 1

BUSINESS PROJECT MANAGEMENT - Assignment Example Secondly, it was supposed to be completed in 2001 and ended up being completed in late 2004 after a prior completion period of 2005 had been rescinded and pushed back to that time in 2004. The building was to play host to a total of 129 members of the Scottish parliament and more than 1000 workers as well as civil servants. Its building and construction had been controversial right from the start. The points of controversy lay with the location choice, the design, the architect and the entire construction; everything was fully criticised. An enquiry into why the project took that long was construed and determined that the project was all flawed right from the start to the end in terms of management, finance, competence of the project management and many other aspects and issues. The location details are to it that the building was supposed to be erected on a 1.6 ha piece of land and located just 1 km east of the city of Edinburg. The Spanish architect sought a design that was representative of the national identity. This issue of design was the beginning of the project problems given that the design was delivered late and not in line with the requirements of the project previous historical requirements. Suffice is to say, what was discovered was a complex non-hierarchical low lying, organic collection of buildings that intended to integrate the environment and Scottish people. The building was later found out to be a complex of several buildings with varying designs of architecture including a section providing accommodation for the members of parliament, their staff and researchers. Many features were attached to the building and this made it very expensive attracting critical acclaim from the people and other leaders including some members of parliament t hat used it. The estimation cost of the building was put to the bar way back in 1997 before the ideal construction started. However, it was noted

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Pumping Concrete Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Pumping Concrete - Essay Example [3] Conventional methods of placing concrete posed many problems to the engineers of the buildings. For this purpose the 'concrete pump' was invented to pump concrete from far away distances through tubes. Pumping concrete is more economical rather than transporting concrete from a mixing plant to formwork. A continuous feed of concrete can be placed at high speed with access to every part of the site and with no need of transportation. Concrete pumping is sometimes the only possible placing method where the job is inaccessible or the timescale of the construction work makes slower methods impractical. These days pumping is gaining popularity and the only thing that's holding it back is the number of accidents that have taken place while using concrete pumps. [5] When starting the pumping operation, the pumpers are met with a common problem. The pumping pipes are dry and are usually covered with a thin layer of cement from previous pumpings. While passing through the dry pipes the concrete will gradually dehydrate, creating a plug before reaching the end of the pipe. To solve this, the pump and pipeline must be grouted with about 500 liters of a cement slurry or rich mortar. And thereon pumping should be started immediately after grouting. This can be described in the following steps: [5] 1. Pour slurry or mortar into hopper while operating the pump slowly; 2. Discharge excess grout to waste, not into formwork; 3. Retain some grout in the hopper to be remixed with the first hopper full of concrete; 4. Fit the protecting grill on the hopper before loading concrete. When pumping is done downhill, tight plugs of damp cement bags or a sponge rubber balls should be placed before the grout to make sure that the walls of the pipe are properly lined. [5] Functionality of the Pumping Device In essence, a concrete pump places the mixed concrete at various sites by pumping the slurry. It comprises of a supporting arm which is projected at an operating position and used for positioning the conduit end of a pump conduit. A supporting arm with segments constitutes a component of the pump conduit. In order to achieve a higher lift, device provides the features that at least one of the supporting arm segments is adapted to be telescoped and can be transferred from a non-extended starting position to at least one extended position. [4] Three different kinds of pumping techniques are available to the manufacturers Boom Pump - Boom trucks are self-contained units consisting of a truck and frame, and the pump itself. Because of their reach, boom trucks often remain in the same place for an entire pour. This allows ready mix trucks to release their loads directly into the pumps hopper at one central location and helps to create a more efficient jobsite traffic flow. [1] Line Pumps - Line pumps are versatile, portable units typically used to pump not only structural concrete, but also grout, wet screeds, mortar, shotcrete, foamed concrete, and sludge. [1] Separate Placing Booms - Separate concrete placing booms can be used

Cultural Behaviour in the Workplace Research Paper

Cultural Behaviour in the Workplace - Research Paper Example According to Condon & Yousef (1975), people skills and intercultural communication competence contribute to successful cross-cultural business interactions. Culture determines the nature of the business interaction of individuals. Cross-cultural business interactions happen between different countries with distinct political, economic, and cultural backgrounds. For economic development, different countries and international companies collaborate to contribute positively to the global economy. However, cultural intolerance is a major cause of conflicts and misunderstandings experienced in the world today (Ayoko 2007). It is difficult for people of different cultures to understand each other since they are cultured to do things in a specific manner. Sebenius (2002) notes that this problem faces most companies engaged in cross-border business. Therefore, there is the need for all companies to adopt an international global perspective of conducting business.   This study based on the a ssumption that culture is important in determining business interactions in the workplace. Basing on the challenges experienced by employees, this study will answer the question; how does culture influence business interactions of Americans, Chinese, and Russians. This will also develop propositions for addressing challenges that arise in a multicultural workplace. The study findings will offer guidance on how to ensure effective business communication with Russians, Chinese, and Americans. The study setting is the Sharjah Chamber of Commerce & Industry. This United Arab Emirates Company serves a major purpose of organizing economic life and ensuring the prosperity of trade in the region. This includes making proposals for economic projects, engagement in legislation dealing with industrial and economic affairs, and launching opportunities for investment (SharjsaCityGuide n.d). The nature of this company allows for interactions with companies from different parts of the world, in or der to work jointly on projects or negotiate on business deals. During such cross-cultural communication, cultural differences lead to considerable challenges. The participants in this study are employees of this company, who have experience working with foreign delegates, specifically, Russian, American, and Chinese. These will share their experiences and major challenges in their dealings with the foreign delegates. Methodology This study aims at gathering information concerning the experiences of the employees of the Sharjah Chamber of Commerce & Industry in dealing with delegates of Russian, American, and Chinese origins. The experiences of participants reflect their attitudes toward the foreign delegates, therefore, this study explores subjective data. Therefore, in order to achieve the aims of this study, a qualitative approach will be employed, as this is concerned with subjectivity understanding.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Thy Womb and Missing the Target Essay Example for Free

Thy Womb and Missing the Target Essay Mendoza’s Thy Womb certainly was not lacking in the areas of cinematography and sound quality. Unlike regular masa films that repel higher class moviegoers with their slightly pixelated picture and muffled dubbing, Thy Womb boasts a crisp picture with a fitting scoring. Only complementing that is the breathtaking grandeur of the surroundings which includes a stroke of luck for the director with the appearance of two Whale Sharks. However, eye-candy is not enough to capture the hearts of the audience. A pretty picture is only just a picture when the message being conveyed is not seen by the viewers. That is my concern with Thy Womb. The plot was very slow-paced. Although the conflict was introduced very early in the film, the resolution to this dragged on really long in what Hollywood films would compress into ten minutes or so. For a viewer like me who is used to fast progressing story lines, the sluggish development was quite a turn-off. That is a big issue since the audience today is used to things like instant coffee and fast loading times for web videos. It is possible for the viewers to be focused on how the plot is so dragging that they miss the point of the film. That could be the reason for the film’s poor performance in cinemas. A critical eye however, would find a certain elegance in how the film slowly develops its community and characters. After further analysis, I was able to discern a possible point being driven at by the film. The film seems to dilly-dally with scenes and events that have nothing to do with the actual conflict, the search for a second wife for Bangas-An. These scenes however, have a theme when put together. They feature how the community values tradition and religion. Several festivals, rituals, and practices were featured in the film. Some were performed at the expense of the safety of involved parties. Especially focused on is the tradition of putting the husband’s wishes over the wife and how women are treated as objects in such a patriarchal community. From these it can be said that Thy Womb features a Badjao community in Tawi-Tawi that values tradition above all else. It is this regard for custom that drives each character as the film progresses. The community as a whole is very much immersed in their tradition. One scene shows the village participating in a festival in the sea, racing boats. Then more of their custom is showcased with a wedding ceremony as well as the meeting of wife prospects for Bangas-An. It is evident that so much value is placed on their traditions that it overshadows their concern for their relationships and safety. While fishing, Bangas-An was shot by thieves. Shaleha nursed him to health and they went back to fishing again despite this danger. This shows that their custom and livelihood of fishing there is what they have grown accustomed to and they would rather go through that again than have to change. Another scene that shows such an attitude is the wedding ceremony mentioned previously. While the couple is doing their dance, gunfire is heard and the crowd panics but the couple is told to continue dancing. Their patriarchal mindset is also demonstrated by various scenes. At the beginning, Shaleha expresses her desire to adopt. However, Bangas-An preferred to have his own kids and just remarry. Then women are treated like objects in stores as their hand in marriage would have to be bought using dowries. Bangas-An chose his wife based on the price and beauty, not romantic attachment. This value for custom in a patriarchal environment allows the audience to understand the driving force of the couple’s actions. Bangas-An and Shaleha obviously have a healthy marriage. One scene shows Bangas-An giving Shaleha expensive clothing for no apparent reason. Then the couple make love despite its fruitlessness. But then, Bangas-An’s desire to have a child of his own blood overshadows their marriage and forces them to separate. His new wife tells him that after the first child she bears him, he would have to leave Shaleha. Only reinforcing the point that the community values tradition above all else, he does make the deal and cuts ties with Shaleha after his first child is born. Shaleha does not go against this because of the patriarchy. Throughout the movie, she herself deals with Bangas-An’s remarriage even if she was not comfortable with the whole thing. She  cooperated with all the rituals and negotiations. But then only putting emphasis on the actual place of women in that community, in the end she was put aside by the very man she helped. In the end, the slow pace of the movie actually had purpose. Every part that featured custom showed how the community was very involved and hands-on in tradition and religion. Each scene with the couple only showed how much they loved each other. This only fortified the reasoning for Bangas-An’s decision to take his new wife over Shaleha. With this, the movie actually presents conflicting emotions and sentiment every character feels. It was not a montage of dilly-dallying after all, but a subtle manner of sending a message.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Cyber Crimes and Cyber Security

Cyber Crimes and Cyber Security Jackalynn E. Sellers Abstract Cyber related crimes are increasing at a rapid rate across the world. Hacking and viruses are used to steal important personal information. Understanding cyber-crime is essential to understand how criminals are using the Internet to commit various crimes and what can be done to prevent these crimes from happening. This paper will cover different cyber-crimes and information on what the average Internet user can do to protect themselves from falling victim to cyber-crimes. Keywords: Cyber Security, Cyber Crime The Internet is a place saturated with information and over the years, information has become more easily accessible than ever before. How much information that is chosen to be shared on the Internet should be carefully considered. A simple post to any social media site could give out more personal information than originally intended. Cyber security is a priority with the growing use and ease of access of the Internet. If an internet user is not careful about the information given over to cyberspace, the users identity could easily be stolen or their finances drained. Cyber security is important not just to the government but also to the average user. Cyber Crime To understand why cyber security is needed and important, an understanding of cybercrime is required. Cybercrime is any illicit activity that is performed on the Internet or any network-based device. These crimes include identity theft, viruses, cyber stalking, and phishing. Identity Theft Identity theft occurs when a hacker steals information from personal accounts such as banking information, social security numbers, and addresses. The hacker will then use this information to create accounts in the victims name. Being aware of encrypted websites and having adequate measures of protection when imputing this information into websites is essential to even the less-than average user of internet. Viruses Computer viruses are pieces of code that are usually attached to downloadable files. When the file is running the code of the virus activates and proceeds to spread throughout computer files. These viruses infect vital information and can lead to deletion or corruption of important system files. Some viruses will also allow personal information and files to be accessed by another user. Cyber Stalking Cyber stalking is a crime that occurs when a person is being harassed by another person in an online setting. The victim is often bombarded with messages not just to themselves, but also to family members or friends. Threats are often received by the victim as a tactic to get the victim to reply. Often the victim will suffer from anxiety and fear. Phishing Phishing is a crime where electronic mail is sent to the victim that mimics banking institutions or other financial or personal information accounts. The victim, if not careful, will enter their personal information on a site that mimics very closely the website used for personal information. It is important for a potential victim to be aware of email addresses associated with bank accounts and other sites that may contain personal information. Conclusion The increase on cyber-attacks all over the world is pressing the need for updated cyber security. The United States created the Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) in 1988 after a wide-spread break in of the Internet. The CERT has no authority to arrest or prosecute hackers but it does provide constant security of international information on the Internet. Interpol has also set up the I-24/7 communication system for internet-based policing to report any crimes found. Altogether, the average user of the Internet can protect themselves from cyber-crimes by being aware of what information is being put on the Internet and being aware that the information can be seen at any time by any person in the world. There are departments of security in place for the more serious cyber-crimes and reports can be made to these departments of any cyber-attacks. Advances are constantly being made to police the Internet and cyberspace. References Goutam, R. K. (2015). Importance of Cyber Security. International Journal of Computer Applications, 111(7) doi:10.5120/19550-1250 Williams, B. K. Sawyer, S. C. (2015) Using Information Technology. New York, New York: McGraw-Hill Education  

Saturday, July 20, 2019

moralhf Moral Choices in Mark Twains The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn :: Adventures Huckleberry Huck Finn Essays

Huckleberry Finn - Moral Choices There were many heroes in the literature that has been read. Many have been courageous and showed their character through tough times. Through these tough times they were forced to make important decisions and this is where you get the real idea of who is deserved to be called a hero. The most influential though of all these was Huckleberry Finn. Through the innocence of childhood he is able to break through the societal pressures that are brought on him and do right. In Mark Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn you meet a rebellious young teen named Huck Finn. Huck is not your everyday hero especially in the beginning of the novel but slowly through the story his mature, responsible side comes out and he shows that he truly is the epitome of a hero. Huck is forced to make many crucial decisions, which could get him in serious trouble if not get him killed. Huck has natural intelligence, has street smarts, which are helpful along his adventure, and is assertive. Huck has always had to rely on himself to get through things because he is from the lowest levels of white society and his dad is known more or less as the `town drunk." So when Huck fakes his death and runs away to live on an island he is faced with yet another problem, which revolves around the controversial issue of the time of racism. While living on the island he meets Jim who was a slave but Huck soon learns that he has ran off and now in the process of making his way up north to Canada. Here Huck is faced along with his first tough decision, to go with Jim and help him, or just go and tell the officials of a runaway slave and get the reward. Huck reluctantly joins Jim and promises him to get him to free land for the sake of a good adventure but he still feels guilty to be conversing with a runaway slave let alone help him escape. Along the way Huck has many challenges, which are just like this one. This is truly remarkable for a child to be able to break away from the influence of society and go with his heart and do what is right especially when it was considered wrong.

?Vincent is not a hero? Discuss :: essays research papers

â€Å"Vincent is not a hero† Discuss Andrew Niccol has created a character that is portrayed as being a struggler from the moment he was born, he was destined to play this role as soon as he was conceived naturally as he was to wear the label of â€Å"God child† for the rest of his life , this label determines they life style and quality of life he will lead and the prospects are not good -â€Å"They used to say that a child conceived in love has a greater chance of happiness. They don't say that anymore†. Niccol leads us to believe that Vincent is a man who has overcome the odds in order to achieve his dream in a society where individuality is an unrequited trait and the ability to conform plus right DNA is all a person needs to succeed. What can easily be missed is the reality that in order to achieve his dreams he had to become a criminal which raises the question, is this man who is seen as a hero defiant of his opposition, worthy for our admiration considering the un-admirable form he had to take on t o gain it?. The measures Vincent goes to, to achieve his dream of becoming an astronaught make him seem less of a hero than he is portrayed as, The idea of changing your identity from an â€Å"invalid† with problems that prevent one from leading a normal life, to taking on the identity of a â€Å"Valid† with a physical make-up so perfect that â€Å"you could go anywhere† with his â€Å"helix tucked under your arm†, again lowers the opinion of his character and makes it difficult to separate his true identity to the false one he has taken on, Throughout the film Niccol makes it hard to distinguish which parts of Vincent’s personality actually are, we see many instances where Vincent shows admirable qualities such as him romantically letting go of a strand of Irene’s hair and saying â€Å"the wind caught it† . But this incident could also psychologically be a way of ensuring if Irene ever had a piece of him, that she would do the same and his identi ty would be protected. His personality as we knew it before he took on Eugene’s identity portrayed him as lonely dreamer. He was the stereotypical outcast down to finest detail. He sat by himself, ate by himself , dreamt of great things and in true Hollywood style left home and took on the job that all people take when they have nothing left, a cleaner.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Refutation To A Bias Suggestion :: essays research papers

Refutation to a Bias Suggestion "Some people suggest that the Bible, being a collection of texts written long ago by persons much different from ourselves, does not have much (or any) significance for modern people." The suggestion that the Bible is invalid simply due to its authors and era is absurd and bias. This statement is supported by God and all modern day believers. Almost any Christian you confront with this statement would most likely give you a blank stare. However, it is mainly non- Christians who would make such a slanted view of the Bible. I am an American. The authors of the Bible were not. Why should this influence my opinion in the least amount? Simply because the texts of the Bible are old does not void their validity. Although we may not share the same nationality with the authors of the Bible, we do share common beliefs and faiths. Taken from a different perspective, non-Christians do not share the same beliefs, obviously, or they would not make such statements. Another question one may ask themselves is exactly how different are the authors of the Biblical texts from ourselves. Is it their lifestyle or career that makes them so exotic in relation to us? Is it just because they spoke another language? They are children of God, just as we are. Science today is still discovering new evidence that proves the existence of a "mother of all humanity." We all share a common gene pool, we are all descendants of Adam and Eve. Since the beginning of recorded history, religion has had a profound impact on the present society. Romans, Greeks, Hindus, and Catholics have all molded their societies and laws around religion. As far as impact goes, look at the Spanish Inquisition. It is difficult for one to refute that Catholicism had little or no impact on the Aztecs of modern day Mexico. Even our laws today reflect the ten commandments given to Moses by God himself. We are forbidden by present day law in the United States of America to either steal or murder. Religion has powerful influence concerning the outcome of a child. The values and beliefs of religions are impressed upon youths. Some may be different from others, but most parents bring up their children into the same faith as themselves. Concerning the teachings of Christianity, the Bible is probably the most commonly used tool. Therefore, children raised in Christian homes will most likely be taught the values and teachings of the Bible, influencing them dramatically. Christianity is the most commonly practiced

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Child Development Essay

Montessori believed in a necessary relationship between children and their environment. Children must find a properly prepared environment if they are to fully develop their unique human potentials. In addition to determining children’s eventual height, hair color, and other physical characteristics, there is another cognitive plan which determines the unique emotional and intellectual qualities of each child. These qualities develop through what Montessori referred to as â€Å"the sensitive periods.†Each sensitive period is a specific kind of compulsion, motivating young children to seek objects and relationships in their environment with which to fulfill their special and unique inner potentials..Montessori believed that children will develop to their full human potential when everything in the environment is â€Å"just right.† Everything Food, furniture, learning activities, social relations, clothing, routines, and rituals must all be â€Å"just right† in order for them to develop their fullest potential as human beings. Young children are neither consciously aware of nor capable of directly communicating their interests and developmental needs. In Montessori Early Childhood programs, teachers are charged with providing learning environments in which everything is â€Å"just right.† For almost one hundred years, Montessori educators have observed a set of motivations shared by young children around the world. What Dr. Maria Montessori discovered in the St. Lorenz Quarter in 1907 was that children are self-motivated to learn from their environment. Borrowing a term from biology, she called these stages the sensitive periods, after similar developmental stages in animals. The idea seemed revolutionary at the time, and took many years, following Piaget’s extensions of Montessori’s initial explanation, to become generally accepted in child psychology. Today, whether we use Montessori’s terminology or not, the description of child development she first presented at the turn of the century rings true. Each sensitive period is: A period of special sensibility and psychological attitudes. An overpowering force, interest, or impetus directing children to particular qualities and elements in the environment. A period of time during which children center their attention on specific aspects of the environment, to the exclusion of all else. A passion and a commitment. Derived from the unconscious and leads children to conscious and creative activities. Intense and prolonged activity which does not lead to fatigue or boredom, but instead leads to persistent energy and interest. A transitory state once realized, the sensitive period disappears. Sensitive periods are never regained, once they have passed. Dr. Montessori identified eleven different sensitive periods occurring from birth through age six. Each refers to a predisposition compelling children to acquire specific characteristics as described below. When Montessori teachers speak about children being â€Å"inner directed,† they are referring to an inner compulsion or sensitive period. A Montessori teacher would say, for example, â€Å"This child is in her sensitive period for order.† These phrases point to each child’s predisposition to follow her own daily classroom routine in which she chooses the same materials and in the same sequence. Ages of the onset and conclusion of each sensitive period are approximate and are indicated after the general description. Movement Random movements become coordinated and controlled: grasping, touching, turning, balancing, crawling, walking. (Birth — one) Language Use of words to communicate: a progression from babble to words to phrases to sentences, with a continuously expanding vocabulary and comprehension. (birth — six) Small Objects A fixation on small objects and tiny details. (one — four) Order Characterized by a desire for consistency and repetition and a passionate love for established routines. Children can become deeply disturbed by disorder. The environment must be carefully ordered with a place for everything and with carefully established ground rules. (two — four) Music Spontaneous interest in and the development of pitch, rhythm, and melody. (two — six) Grace & Courtesy Imitation of polite and considerate behavior leading to an internalization of these qualities into the personality. (two — six) Refinement of the Senses Fascination with sensorial experiences (taste, sound, touch, weight, smell) resulting with children learning to observe and with making increasingly refined sensorial discriminations. (two — six) Writing Fascination with the attempt to reproduce letters and numbers with pencil or pen and paper. Montessori discovered that writing precedes reading. (three — four) Reading Spontaneous interest in the symbolic representations of the sounds of each letter and in the formation of words. (three — five) Spatial Relationships Forming cognitive impressions about relationships in space, including the layout of familiar places. Children become more able to find their way around their neighborhoods, and they are increasingly able to work complex puzzles. (four — six) Mathematics Formation of the concepts of quantity and operations from the uses of concrete material aids. (four — six) Note: This list does not include the sensitive periods found in the development of older children and adolescents. However, it does suggest to the early childhood educator some of the things that young children absorb, or will if they are given exposure and opportunity. Keep in mind that the child’s learning during these early stages is not complete, nor has it reached the internalized abstraction stage that will develop as she grows older. It is, however, the foundation upon which much that follows will be built. Wherever this solid foundation is lacking, children will experience difficulty in learning and operating later on. Sensitive periods is Sensitive period is a term coined by the Dutch geneticist Hugo de Vries and adopted by the Italian educator Maria Montessori to refer to important periods of childhood development. Language This period runs from birth through approximately age 6. During this period the child is extremely sensitive to vocal sounds and to movements of the vocal apparatus. Out of all the sounds in an infant’s environment, the infant will be attracted to that of human sounds. Deprivation of language stimuli during this period can lead to severe language defects. Without stimulation, the synapses of Broca’s area and related language-processing areas of the brain will literally waste away. Child imitates/mimics the sounds that he or she hears in their process to learning language. At 6 months, child is able to form syllables. At one year of age, a child is able to say at least one clear word. At one year and nine months, the child may be able to annunciate a few key phrases. At two years of age, the child has basically developed the language at hand. Order The sensitive period for order operates most actively between roughly the ages of one and three years. In this period, the child is organizing a mental schema for the world. In order for firm conclusions to be drawn about the world, the child must be able to impose an order on it in a way that makes sense to the child and is consistent with the observed world of the child. If this need is not met, the child’s ability to reason and learn will be precarious, since she may not be able to consider her conclusions reliable. Order is divided into four subgroups: spatial order, social order, sensory order, and temporal order.[4] Sensory refinement This period lasts from birth to age 4. A child takes in information about the world through his senses. As the brain develops, it becomes able to discriminate between relevant and irrelevant sensory stimuli. The most efficient way to accomplish this is for the brain to pay attention to all sensory stimuli. The most repetitive (and therefore most important) of these will strengthen neural pathways, while the less common, although initially detected, will not provide enough brain activity to develop sensitivity to them. By age 4 or so, the brain has finished its â€Å"decision-making† about which stimuli are relevant, and worth attending to. Other stimuli will be ignored. This period, then, is important for helping the child attend to differences in sensory stimuli, which in turn can lead to a greater ability to impose a mental order on his environment. Refinement of motor skills This period encompasses the time between roughly 18 months and 4 years of age. By the beginning of this period, the child’s gross motor skills are generally rather well developed. At this point, the continuing development of the cerebellum and motor cortex allow the child to increase her fine motor skills. Activity on the part of the child which focuses on fine muscle control (writing with a pencil, picking up and setting down small objects, and so on) will allow the child’s muscular skills to develop to a quite advanced level. After this period, neural control of the muscles is relatively fixed, and improvement in fine motor skills comes only with considerable effort. Sensitivity To small objects This period, between roughly 18 and 30 months, might be viewed as a consequence of the overlapping of the previous two. As a consequence of the child’s attention to sensory stimuli, combined with an interest in activities requiring fine motor coordination, the child takes an interest in observing and manipulating very small objects, which present a greater challenge to the senses and coordination than large ones. Social behavior From about 2.5 through 6 years, the child, having become relatively stable in his physical and emotional environment, begins to attend to the social environment. During this time, in an attempt to order this aspect of her surroundings, the child attends closely to the observed and expected behavior of individuals in a group. This attention and ordering will allow her to move through the social environment in a safe and acceptable way. Children who are, for whatever reason, largely or entirely deprived of social interaction during this period will be less socially confident and perhaps more uncomfortable around others, a feeling which may take substantial effort to overcome. â€Å"A child’s different inner sensibilities enable him to choose from his complex environment what is suitable and necessary for his growth. They make the child sensitive to some things, but leave him indifferent to others. When a particular sensitiveness is aroused in a child, it is like a light that shines on some objects but not others, making of them his whole world.† The Secret of Childhood p. 42, Chap 7 A sensitive period refers to a transient state that children go through that is focused upon one particular area. Montessori had read about these periods of sensitivity in the development of animals, but soon realized that she was seeing similar qualities in the interests of the children. â€Å"A child learns to adjust himself and make acquisitions in his sensitive periods. These are like a beam that lights interiorly or a battery that furnishes energy.† (The Secret of Childhood p40) She saw that during these periods the child could learn at a particularly intense rate and that such learning appeared to come very easily. â€Å"At such a time everything is easy; all is life and enthusiasm. Every effort marks an increase in power.† (Ibid p40). The sensitive periods that she noted were not linear, i.e., they did not follow one after the other; some overlapped and some were continuous. They included a sensitive period for order, refinement of the senses, language acquisition, walking and movement, small objects and involvement in social life. Montessori teachers were therefore alerted to the existence of these periods of sensitivity and encouraged to observe them in the activities of the children. Quotations â€Å"A sensitive period refers to a special sensibility which a creature acquires in its infantile state, while it is still in a process of evolution. It is a transient disposition and limited to the acquisition of a particular trait. Once this trait, or characteristic, has been acquired, the special sensibility disappears.† The Secret of Childhood p 38, Chap 7 STAGES OF CHILD DEVELOPMENT Stage — 1: Absorbent Mind a. Unconscious Absorbent Mind (0-3 years). The child can not be dictated in this period nor can be directly influenced by the adults. The child learns unconsciously from his environment by using his senses of seeing and hearing. No formal schooling is suggested in this period however provision of a suitable environment greatly helps a child in making good early impressions of the world around him. b. Conscious Absorbent Mind (3-6 years). Child becomes receptive to adult influence. The child starts building personality basing on the impressions stored during first three years of his life. The sense of touch gets coordinated with the mind. Hands become a prime tool of learning. This is also a time of social development. The child wants to have company of other children and can be separated from mother for short periods of time. 2. Stage — 2: Later Childhood (6-12 years) a. Growth becomes stable and child is calm and happy. b. The child becomes self-conscious. c. Reasoning faculty starts to develop. His reasoning is still fragile and therefore should not be put in complicated situations. d. Child becomes aware of right and wrong from moral point of view. e. Sense of smell and taste develops. The child starts using all his five senses to learn. 3. Stage — 3: Transformation (12-18 years) a. Puberty (12-15 years). The advent of puberty indicates the end of childhood. Marked physical changes take place and the child becomes very sensitive of his self. All the confidence and joyfulness of the childhood is suddenly lost. At this stage, the child needs full emotional support of parents and teachers. b. Adolescence (15-18 years). This period is marked with an attitude of rebellion, discouragement, hesitation, and doubts. There is an unexpected decrease in intellectual capacity as compared to an extrovert of 6-12 years. The creativeness takes charge. The child now transforming into adulthood wants to explore the world. Sensitive to criticism and hates to be ridiculed. Parents and teachers need to accommodate mistakes and encourage new ideas. Montessori’s view on the † Four Planes of Development:†The child’s development follows a path of successive stages of independence, and our knowledge of this must guide us in our behavior towards him.†

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Language learning styles used by students in globalization

position lingual confabulation is very considered as a aftermathant lingual conference since it has been employ for go on oning world extensive. in that locationfore, larning face is truly common in some asseverates and lingual dialogue eruditeness ingenuity be use by pupils in globalisation. phrase learn readiness atomic number 18 the center eventors that console make up unrival adds nous how the pupils learn a alien lingual parley. A foreign lingual intercourse is a lingual dialogue examine in an environment where it is non the major vehicle for all(prenominal) twenty- 4 hours communicating and where foreplay in the lingual conference is categorize ( Rebecca, 2003 ) .In an name by Mulalic et Al. ( 2009 ) , pupils larning readiness acquit been unnoticed as an contrasted faculty in the encyclopedism procedure. App argonntly, one time lecturers become cognizant that contrary pupils learn assorted styluss, they try to suit those s tudy politeness in the schoolroom. When aspect into lectors nurture varietys, it is possible to at a lower placestand that the volume of the lectors atomic number 18 non sensitive with their pupils larning politeness. The jobs occur when lectors atomic number 18 non cognizant of the entailment to make and musical note eruditeness dexterity.Harmonizing to Felder ( 1996 ) , how much pupils learn in the family unit is unconquerable partly by the pupils ability and antecedent rea death, and the capableness of their studentship discretion and the lector s focus courtesy. More proper(postnominal)ally, Godleski et Al. ( 1984 ) , the pupils tend to be tire and inattentive in kinsfolk, do swooning on trials, nonplus dis braveryd or so the class, and whitethorn reason that they ar non soundly at the topic of the class and occur it up.In a enquiry travel along by Izzo ( 1980 ) , confirmed that the size of it of kin is an of import physical factor which influ ences the emollient of rule, decreases the sum of maunderle attending that the instructor practices to each pupil. However, she argued that small categories be favored for linguistic parley eruditeness and correspond signifi rafttly with linguistic parley put through with(predicate)ment.In the look clause by tan ( 2008 ) , identified the headspring troubles and jobs of EFL scholarly persons in paternity by analysing the nature of their writing mis disengages. The neat causes of the mis narrows were attributable to the breastwork of verbiage size, utter grammar apprehension and obstructor from start linguistic communicating. In the determination of the play along, six telling argumental intents were suggested so that instructors can preserve a to a greater extent flourishing overture to advance pupils composing proficiency such(prenominal)(prenominal) as skill words, commission of redbird condemnation construction, demoing version entrap, rect ifying mistake and family meeting, apprehension of starting line linguistic conference intervention, and composing inducement.Since side linguistic communicating has been introduced in Cambodia, EFL pupils learning manners project adapted to the linguistic communicating acquisition. In the past pupils were likely to baffle eruditeness through earreach to the instructors eyepatch instructors lacked specialized cooking around education rateological depth psychology. In the come off by ( Nguyen 2001 ) , the nurture manner of Kampuchean pupils is typically memorization at the disbursal of realistic look. Consequently, they would kinda larn grammar and read than on aesthesis of audience and diction doing. Specifically, roughly Kampuchean scholars expression more cozy and gratifying with belongings things which be written on the whiteboard in order that they can com drum them knock graduate and horizon at hind end. Hopefully, pupils hope to take over press releases of sum-ups or talk lineations. Furthermore, virtually Kampuchean scholars reveal that they face a batch of force per unit areas of how to adapt the rude(a) cultural environment and how to stupefy ab break through on with their equals in stratum. Some timber lonely because the ways they dress or talk are so distinct.As for the representative of EFL Cambodian schoolrooms, Keuk ( 2009 ) , found that approximately instructors use practical accustomed rendition methods such as mental lexicon interlingual version from second linguistic communication to first linguistic communication. As a essence, pupils are taught to retrieve balls of position linguistic communication with chiefly center on grammar and phrase.1.2 puzzle landed estatementWithout acknowledging proper acquisition manners, pupils seem non to arrive at break in consequences in their academic prevalent unveiling. Furthermore, pupils are less(prenominal) likely to emend their linguistic com munication acquisition really rapidly, as they do non cognize the stiff acquisition manners. In malice of the classification of academic classs which the EFL university pupils take in face, and the inflexible attempts universi colligates and lectors apply to develop pupils linguistic communication accomplishments, the pupils linguistic communication public insertion, unluckily, has been boring. This could be recognized to the diverse acquisition manners and wonts which are utilise by pupils in analyzing incline, including preferring retentivity things written on the whiteboard to auditory modality to the lectors banknote, jitteriness of language turnout in schoolroom, preferring grammar interlingual rendering signifier foremost linguistic communication to 2nd linguistic communication while larning face linguistic communication, and preferring working separately and personally to working in braces or crowds. Didactically, most of the lectors configuration traditio nal instruction method, grammar interlingual rendition method signifier foremost linguistic communication to 2nd linguistic communication while learning side linguistic communication. The reason noticeable job is that mammoth categories pose whatever important challenges in phratry room scene and decreased effectivity of schoolroom guardianship.1.3 Aims of the viewThis check over aims specifically to place the acquisition manners of EFL private university pupils in Cambodia. More interestingly, this written report intends to look the causal agent why Kampuchean university pupils use distinguishable manners in their learning English as a foreign linguistic communication.1.4 Research inquiriesThis look into aims to look into the sound factors in larning English as a foreign linguistic communication. The following(prenominal) question inquiries can be formulated for the survey below.1. How do Kampuchean university pupils describe their acquisition manners used in larning English as a Foreign linguistic touch?2. Why do the pupils use distinct manners in their acquisition English?1.5 Significance of the StudyAs a portion of educational development, this survey is important for four grounds. First, look intoing pupils acquisition manners in English in Cambodian higher instruction allow for economic aid wagerer pupil s linguistic communication acquisition. Second, the survey leave behind cast visible radiation on the effectual acquisition manners of EFL succeederful Cambodian university pupils, which can be used as a hypothetical account of larning English. Third, this query leave swear out to alter to the utility of appropriate phraseology instruction and larning techniques in order to advance vocabulary acquisition, queerly in EFL Cambodian context. In add-on, from a methodological perceptual experience, it is also hoped that the envisionings from this survey get out be usable for provision meaningful suggestions for get the em end ofing the jobs that may originate sing the acquisition manners of pupils and how to suit assorted scholars in EFL schoolroom.16 Definition of cardinal footingsIn an effort to founder understand this survey, some cardinal footings are defined as follows.EFL pupils acquisition manners mean techniques, doingss, actions, wonts and stairss employed by scholars larning English as a Foreign wrangle to better and develop their different linguistic communication accomplishments voice communication production, listening, reading, and composing. Furthermore, the term larning manner refers to the general attack preferred by the pupil when larning a topic, geting a linguistic communication, or covering with a with child(p) job ( Oxford 2001 Reid 1998 )1.7 Proposed ChapterThis paper leave be chronologically composed of five chief chapters. Chapter one is the debut, dwelling of background of the survey, enquiry doer job, look for aim, look for inquiry, significance of the survey, and definition of cardinal constructs. Chapter two is books reappraisal, which discusses on the jobs and solutions of the survey. Chapter three is methodological analysis, which consists of interrogation design, thespians, method, instruments, bastards informations aggregation, information analysis, cultural consideration, strengths and restriction of query. Chapter four is treatment and findings of the survey, analysing the informations tranquil from the oppugns. Chapter five is last and recommendation, sum uping the jobs and findings of the survey and proposing some schemes to assist better the failings. Furthermore, these five chapters are followed systematically by mentions and appendices.CHAPTER2REVIEW OF LITERATURE2.1. Specifying acquisition mannersIn a survey by Aqel & A Mahmoud ( 2006 ) determined EFL pupils acquisition manners which are used in An-Najah National University. Consequently, the consequence of the findings suggested a potpourri of learning English manners, including altering pupils seats, require forthing effectual activities, and utilizing ocular AIDSs, which are conform to with larning manners used by pupils. Furthermore, the query proletarians suggested computing machine as a necessary class in English plane section and Department of Teaching Methods which offend its boffo undertaking in doing pupils trust on themselves to develop their linguistic communication proficiency. Besides, the enquiry histrion proposes that a survey should be conducted at different universities to bring out the usage of larning manners of EFL pupils and the nexus amongst these manners and pupil s features.In the look for survey by Marin ( 2003 ) , the focal battery-acid of the probe was on the linguistic communication acquisition manners flavour that pupils face linguistic communication troubles with big accomplishment but with small attempts. However, other pupils faced these troubles with a small success and satisfaction. Beside s, this article proven that each scholar had his/her erect manner of larning through his/her civilization, educational background and personality.Heffernan ( 1999 ) as cited in Aqel ( 2006 ) , determined that galore(postnominal) surveies on linguistic communication acquisition manners applied and gained differently base on motive and result, head of linguistic communication, old ages of learning linguistic communication, learning methods, strenuous content, and pupils background and sex. He besides added that no-hit linguistic communication scholars use assorted manners in larning linguistic communication, and the instructor can assist in increasing acquisition manners through learning schemes that likely help weak pupils to take the appropriate acquisition manners for dissimilar educational undertakings.2.2 development manners in schoolroomThe schoolroom cool off remains a good and comfy topographic point for pupils in larning their linguistic communication. Specifically, pupils acquisition manners lease to be taken into history while learning English. In a survey by ( Haynes, 2001 ) , the linguistic communication scholars use genuine manners, particularly in their female bring up lingua while larning their linguistic communication, and these manners are transferred when they learn a foreign linguistic communication. Similarly, several surveies ( Oxford 1993 OMalley and Chamot, 1990 ) wreaked that pupils of linguistic communications used assorted larning techniques such as memorisation, repeat, and imitation, development of positive come uping to linguistic communication and application of information.In a research survey by ( Hayes, 1997 Strevens, 1978 Harmer, 1983 ) , big English categories are frequently link to to miss of control and concentration, break, schoolroom interaction, peculiarly wishing in the ability to talk English fluently. Furthermore, overcrowded category is one of the restraints on effectual instruction and acquisit ion. Besides, big categories runway strike piling instructor s attending, produces live physical uncomfortableness and distraction that negatively affect scholar s attitudes towards their acquisition. thrill ( 1976 ) , making chances for little category group work which helps each other and proves to be a reusable manner to set off pupils and right mistakes. He besides deald that the size of the group is one of the chief elements which influences in linguistic communication acquisition.In covering with the jobs associated with big categories, Nnaji ( 1991 ) proposed tutorial categories as a solution to assist cut down the threat of big categories. She accepted as the truth that tutorial categories should be used to shorten the defects of big categories. Harmonizing to her, tutorials are deliberate Sessionss where instructors and pupils talk to each other and understand their positions on subjects they did non wholly understandThe learning manner of Kampuchean pupils is typi cally memorisation at the disbursal of realistic intent. Consequently, they would sort of larn grammar and reading than on auditory sense and barbarism production. Specifically, most Kampuchean scholars tone more comfy and gratifying with holding things which are written on the whiteboard in order that they can compose them down and survey at place. Hopefully, pupils hope to acquire press releases of sum-ups or talk lineations. Furthermore, some Kampuchean scholars reveal that they face a batch of force per unit areas of how to hold in the new cultural environment and how to acquire on with their equals in category. Some feel lonely because the ways they dress or talk are so different. ( Nguyen 2001 )However, a figure of personality features prevail been associated with successful linguistic communication acquisition. These include universe get outing to take hazards ( Ruben 1979 as cited in Willis 2001 ) , holding self-confident ( Heyde as cited in Freeman and Long 1991 ) , and being arouse ( Ellis and Sinclair as cited in Willis 2001 )2.3 Vocabulary acquisitionIn larning a foreign linguistic communication, vocabulary plays a deprecative function. It is one factor tie ining with the four accomplishments such as words production, listening, reading and composing. In a research article by Mohd et Al. ( 2009 ) , investigated the rank larning vocabulary schemes of undergraduate EFL scholars and its relation to the scholars vocabulary size. There are five assorted classs of vocabulary larning schemes such as finding, memory, societal, cognitive, and metacognitive. Consequently, the findings of this survey led to some suggestions to better pupils vocabulary acquisition, create their vocabulary size, and enhanced their English acquisition.As for the instance of EFL Cambodian schoolrooms, Keuk ( 2009 ) , found that most instructors use practical accustomed learning methods such as vocabulary interlingual rendition from 2nd linguistic communication to fi rst linguistic communication. Therefore, pupils are taught to memorise balls of English linguistic communication with chiefly focused on grammar and vocabulary.Maghsodi et Al. ( 2010 ) , reading should be boost either within or remote category because it is the most of import tool which helps supply scholars with the vocabulary acquisition. It is believed that the more scholars are exposed to new words, they more they are likely to retrieve them.In the survey by Minji ( 2008 ) , explored which vocabulary direction is more helpful for larning English vocabulary. Consequently, each instructional attack is required to analyze, reappraisal, and integrate to find the utility as a whole. In the visible radiation of the major findings of this survey is that vocabulary direction is effectual overall for EFL scholars even though there are some instructional attacks which are non related to effectual acquisition. Harmonizing to National Reading panel ( 2000 ) , helped find the effectual deductions of vocabulary direction for first linguistic communication scholars, including learning vocabulary two straight and confirmatoryly, the splendour of repeat and multiple exposures to vocabulary points, reconstituting vocabulary undertakings, and implying active battle in larning undertakings for vocabulary.2.4 Grammar acquisitionGrammar is viewed as an indispensable division for communicating to take topographic point because it identifies how linguistic communication is used. Harmonizing to Larsen et Al. ( 1997 ) , the misinterpretation of the function of grammar is recognized to the fact that it is ever considered to be governed by many fixed regulations.As for the instance of embroil et Al. ( 2010 ) , turn outing the assorted amongst the methodological outlooks and the scholars in contrast to the animated instruction methodological analysis followed by their teachers. More significantly, this research article focuses on the five facets medium of direction, includ ing grammar direction, teachers as theoretical account, the utility of boring, apery and memorisation, and the usage of educational tools which is pertained to the foreign linguistic communication methodological analysis. In the determination of the survey, a life-threatening divergency between pupils mentality and their alive schoolroom in footings of how grammar is instructed. Besides, grammar regulations should be explained and should non be trained and taught explicitly.2.5 Reading mannersReading involves a admixture of factors which may hold an impact on scholars reading ability. Weaver ( 1988 ) defined reading as the procedure of building intending through the energetic interaction among the reader s bing lore, the information recommended by the written linguistic communication, and the state of affairs in reading context.In a survey by ( Miller & A Yochum, 1991 Donnell & A Wood, 1999 ) , obtain that the reading troubles pupils face may be related to inaccurate lea rning of the reading procedure, deficiency involvement and motive, eloquence, construct denseness, organisation, and hard vocabulary.Comprehension or reading schemes show how readers conceive of a undertaking, how they make sense of what they read, and what they do when they do non understand. In short, such schemes are procedures used by the scholar to heighten reading re apprehension and vote out comprehension failures ( Singhal, 2001 ) .In a 2nd linguistic communication survey, Hosenfeld ( 1977 ) used a think-aloud process to place dealingss between accepted types of reading schemes and successful or unfulfilled 2nd linguistic communication reading. The successful reader, for case, kept the significance of the transition in head while reading and skipped less of import words but the unsuccessful reader lost the significance of the sentences when decoded and seldom skipped unimportant words.2.6 Speaking mannersSpeaking is a advert for pass oning worldwide. It is the producti ve accomplishment in linguistic communication acquisition, which places a slap-up demand on pupils logical and critical thought. In the article by Widiati ( 2006 ) , discussed jobs in the instruction of EFL speech production, activities usually practiced, stuffs usually used in EFL speech production categories, and appraisal of unwritten English proficiency. establish on the determination, Indonesian scholars often stir non achieved a good degree of ora1 English proficiency. For illustration, Mukminatien ( 1999 ) showed that pupils of English section have a batch of errors while lecture. The errors consist of pronunciation, grammatical truth, vocabulary, eloquence, and synergistic communicating. Likewise, Ihsan ( 1999 ) found in his survey that pupils are likely to do mistakes, including the misapply of parts of address, syntactical building, lexical pick, and voice.Ihsan et Al. ( 1999 as cited in Eyiyuliwati 1997 ) , showed that pupils had troubles in utilizing grammar and i n exploitation new vocabulary points in public lecture category.When the ability to talk English is a really hard undertaking sing to the nature of what is included in speech production. Not all of the pupils in an EFL speech production category have the courage to talk. Many of the pupils feel nervous in a speech production category and some are likely to conserve silent. In the research by Padmadewi ( 1998 ) proved that pupils go toing a speech production category frequently felt dying because of demands from the speech production undertakings necessitating them to make creation separately and spontaneously within restriction of clothe. While Tutyandari ( 2005 ) , stated that pupils maintain pipe down due to the deficiency of autonomy, prior, cognition well-nigh subjects, and ridiculous kin between instructor and scholar. In order to cover with pupils hold cognition, she recommended talking instructors make active the pupils anterior cognition by inquisitive inquiries a ssociating to subjects under argument. Besides, she suggested that pupils self-pride can be meliorate and their jitteriness reduced by inquiring them to work in little groups.To accomplish a higher quality of the instruction of EFL speech production and to better the speech production accomplishment of Indonesian EFL scholars, Mukminatien ( 1999 ) , suggested instructors give their scholars more equal input for acquisition in the schoolroom and force them to hire English either in or foreign the schoolroom. More specifically, Citraniugtyas ( 2005 ) stated that a soundless speech production category can be made more active by delegating undertakings which develop pupils critical thought accomplishments.Purjayanti ( 2003 ) found presentation to be helpful to promote pupils to pass on thoughts in their Fieldss of survey. She added that through presentation and its readying pupils were able non just now to pattern speech production, but besides to seek for stuffs and present them in a be later on manner.Small group treatment is an additional activity that can be conducted in EFL speech production schoolroom. Its social function is to ease scholars to be participated actively in a treatment refering with pupils circumscribed figure. In a survey of Murdibjono ( 2001 ) demonstrated that discoursing in little groups is an effectual activity so that pupils have more clip to pattern talking with their schoolmates.2.7 Listening mannersListening is a critical component in the competent linguistic communication public presentation of EFL university pupils. Therefore, listening comprehension is an of import sill, every bit good as requirement for unwritten proficiency. In the survey of Goh ( 1997 ) , troubles to listening compaction can be divided into individual cognition and undertaking cognition. The obstructions of individual cognition are the restriction of vocabulary, idiomatic look, sorts of input with new construction, fast address. While the undertaking cognition related to new vocabulary, assorted local anaesthetic speech patterns, address rate, the involvement and intent of listening, bing cognition and experience, physical factors, and the length of sentence construction. However, he suggested two schemes for assisting scholars become better hearer. The first is direct scheme it aims at increasing perceptual experiences. Learners L2 can better the hearing by practising perceptual experiences sound, content, pronunciation of new words, words, and modulation characteristics. The 2nd is the indirect scheme its purpose is to better cognition almost talkers, undertakings, and scheme.Harmonizing Hann ( 2000 ) , the usage of uneffective larning schemes of scholars may impact their hearing comprehension and scholars experience. interact sorts of listening comprehension may do some jobs due to the insufficiency of the nitty-gritty from factors associating to the talkers address, and to the scholar proficiency in listening compre hension. Furthermore, it was found that EFL scholars are ill furnish with effectual hearing schemes, accomplishments, activities.To assist better better the hearing comprehension, in a survey by Wen-sheng ( 2007 ) , conducted in China, hearing is really important input, but many of the pupils in Chaozhou Normal College, Hanshan Normal University, and Chaozhou Guangdong were disturbed with listening. In the determination of the survey, there were a batch of important listening techniques which were overlook by instructors. However, a research proletarian suggests that more listening schemes should be taught in categories and learning program is given.2.8 Writing mannersIn the article by Hafida ( 2010 ) , conducted in Tlemsen, Algeria, analyze some(prenominal) the university demands for the English academic grade in Algeria, and pupils demands so as to better a pedagogical model that would react both(prenominal) exigencies. As a consequence of the probe, the research player su ggested the execution of a scheme such as found paternity course of study for EFL university pupils that would develop their strategical competency and consolidate their lingual cognition.Since the Chinese pupils hapless communicative ability in unwritten and written English, there is a concern in English instruction and acquisition in China. In the article by Yan ( 2006 ) explored a successful method so as to develop pupils speech production ability. As a consequence of the determination, Scenario-based Learning, two brooding theoretical accounts are introduced to better the unwritten and composing in English. Scenario-Based Learning ( SBL ) is a structured method for calculating out some issues impacting the lives of specific persons or groups of persons. Besides, It confronts pupils with an of import context based on existent life state of affairs which requires them to take portion in an imagined series of events.In the survey by Osman ( 2010 ) , investigates the troubles f aced by novice academic authors and proposes recommendations to assist these authors to be better collaborative authors. In the determination of the survey, novice authors have troubles during their collaborative authorship, including inability to work with their spouses, hapless linguistic communication proficiency, hapless research accomplishments, holding limited clip to discourse, wanting thoughts, confronting emphasis during collaborative authorship, hence, it is suggested that the university and the lectors should supply them with the chances of ( 1 ) supplying intensive reading design ( 2 ) learning interpersonal accomplishments ( 3 ) instruction clip direction ( 4 ) supplying pre-collaborative writing Sessionss ( 5 ) supplying pre-collaborative writing Sessionss ( 6 ) and supplying teacher/ equal aidHarmonizing to Bereiter and Scardamalia ( 1987 ) as cited in Rouiller ( 2005 ) , composing by and large suffers from deficiency of interaction that stimulates unwritten p roduction in conversation. However, to guarantee successful acquisition, Lam & A Wong ( 2000 ) as cited in Lourdunathan & A Menon ( 2005 ) , believe that scholars should show appropriate concerted behaviour and peer support. It is necessary because some pupils have troubles in forming their thoughts and are weak in English linguistic communication every bit good. This can impede them from take parting in their collaborative work.Chapter 3Methodology3.1Research designSince the purpose of this survey significantly focuses on a private university in Cambodia, the research worker exit utilize a soft attack. The research worker forget research the acquisition manners of EFL Cambodian university pupils. The instance survey method tends to consistently look into an event or a set of related events with the specific purposes of depicting and explicating this phenomenon. ( Berg, 2009 )3.2 ParticipantsThis is a instance survey which explores the acquisition manners of Kampuchean univers ity pupils. The participants of this survey go forth be selected from a private university in Phnom Penh. The attempt will dwell of 6 pupils, who are analyzing English Literature in that university. Besides, the research worker will take both female and male pupils. Before gallop oning interviews, the research worker will do an assignment and advise the grounds of run across to the Rector of University.3.3 InstrumentWith the intent of acquiring authentic information, unstructured interview, informal conversation and participant annotation will be used in order to obtain inviolable informations. Interviews will be attachd and unrestricted inquiries ( see below appendix for inside informations ) . In add-on to the above interviews, category observation will be utile tool to obtain informations. The observation checklist will fundamentally concentrate on pupils larning manners both in schoolroom and outside schoolroom.3.4 Data CollectionSince the qualitative informations aggre gation process requires the research to plunge wholly in the nature scene, the research worker will transport out unstructured interview after observation and taking notes. The interviews will dwell of open-ended inquiries and tape-recording ( see vermiform process below ) for the inside informations. Prior to transporting out the interviews, the research worker will involve permission from university curate and pupils. The research worker expects each interview will take around 50 proceedingss and occur in the university or outside the university. The options for choosing site for interview will be provided for the participants because it helps cut down the participants troubles. Furthermore, the survey aim will be verbally informed to participants before put out oning interviews. With permission from participants, the research worker will utilize tape-recording to enter the whole interviews. The research worker might call for different participants to reply the inquiries base d on their penchant. The research worker will personally detect English pupils utilizing participant observation techniques. The observation will fundamentally concentrate on pupils larning manners in schoolroom. The pupils will be asked to supply their responses about the acquisition manners of EFL Cambodian university pupils based on their thoughts. The experimental protocol will include the descriptive activities in the scene and brooding thoughts from the research worker. Besides these observations, informal conversation will be made with participants in order to obtain deeply their perceptual experiences about linguistic communication acquisition manners. The research worker may take a few brief notes in the dramaturgy puting but take notes of learning techniques and behaviours after observation.3.5 Data AnalysisThe research worker will form and fix the information for analysis every bit shortly as the information has been collected from the participants. Then the research w orker will pass tonss of clip reading all informations and listening to tape entering in order to scrape up the irrelevant information. Next, the research worker will code the text to categorise the information. Furthermore, relationship of informations will be identified to find out the significance of informations collected. Finally, in order to guarantee the dependability and cogency of informations, the research worker will seek to reread the informations and inquire researcher squad to look into the information. Furthermore, matrixes and graphs will be specifically presented. Therefore, they will get wind the troubles of Kampuchean EFL pupils acquisition manners3.6 Ethical ConsiderationTo successfully carry on this survey, the research worker will take into consideration about some precautions. First, the consent signifier will be given to the participants to subscribe if they truly agree to fall in in the survey. Second, the intent of this survey will be clearly informed t o participants in order to construct common apprehension and resonance. Third, the research worker will deeply state the participants that their engagement will be impulsive and halting from interviews will be the participants pick. Finally, the research worker will maintain informations collected in secret topographic point which no 1 besides research worker will hold entranceway to acquire it. Furthermore, I will convey together the names of participants but maintain them confidential. Personal identifiers will be released to the crowd in a manner that protects the name of participants.3.7 Limitation of ResearchThis survey is guided with the undermentioned restrictions, which affect the initiation of the determination. First, the survey merely focuses on university English pupils in Department of English. Second, the survey may be limited in its analysis or generalization as it will be conducted in one Kampuchean private university, in which 6students will be selected. Third , since this survey will chiefly research merely of import acquisition manners, some points might be ignored. However, the intent of this survey is non to supply the wide generalisation but to research the acquisition manners of Kampuchean university pupils in a private university in Phnom Penh. Therefore, the above-named combination fortunes might restrict understanding and rating nevertheless, these are by and large overwhelmed and controlled by the research design.

Existentialism in the Stranger and the Metamorphosis Essay

We be thr protest into existence contract-go without a predetermined nature and only after do we construct our nature or internality through our actions. (Existentialism)This quote is present through the master(prenominal) examples of The Stranger, Blade first, and The Metamorphosis in each of these whole kit and boodle the purposes bring in their own nature. These kit and boodle are exchangeable several ways in each common chord the men create their own nature by the free choices they make. Through these choices they also create their own values. The characters values and cores of support are where these industrial plant differ.Initially, in The Metamorphosis, Gregors tone seems to have second, through providing for his family, until he changes into a bug and determines for himself that his life very has no ungenerousing. This is very unlike The Stranger because Meursault, throughout the inbuilt work, lives his life as if in that respect is no inwardness to life and he breathe outs knowing this. in the long run Deckard, at the beginning of his life, seems to have lived his life with no meaning or values, until he encounters Roy and Rachael who change his perspective.Throughout these whole kit and caboodle these men make makes choices that determine who they are and what their about, only when ultimately every oneness of them knows their subsequent mortality. It is all the way understood through Meursaults narration that life to him is meaningless. The choices he makes and things he says are without thought or meaning. They are usually in the spur of the moment of what exit please him. For example the refreshed starts by Meursault telling the audience Maman died to twenty-four hours. Or yesterday maybe, I dont know. I got a conducting wire from the home Mother deceased. Funeral tomorrow. Faithfully yours. That doesnt mean anything. Maybe it was yesterday(The Stranger). Meursault treats his mothers close with the same demeano r with which he go away posterior treat the death of the Arab. Both of these events are usually different in the types of perceptions they reveal, alone Meursault shows no emotion at all. He just goes through the day to day motions of life. Through his narration and the tone of the novel the reader is clearly able to determine Meursault lives with no emotion or essence. He accepts who he is and his mortality. In the conclusion he accepts a punishment that is not worthy of the crime.He knows even if he doesnt get executed he will die anyway whether its ten years from now or fifty. Clearly The Stranger questions the reader whether mankinds really have a meaning for life since in the end everyone will die and be bury. It seems that Camus meant to get the point crosswise that in life there is no predetermined nature heap create it through their choices. Meursault chooses to live his life with little or no meaning. Unlike Marie who falls in fuck with Meursault and chooses to sup port him even though he didnt care if they got married.Like Marie in The Stranger Gregor, who is the briny character, in The Metamorphosis has a mean and value to his life. Gregor supports his family because his father failed and never went back to work. Gregor had it all ingenuous job, money, and ability. He chose to support his family and allow them to live a nice life while he worked and travelled with little succession for himself. Gregor doesnt like his job, but he chooses to stay because it asideers good money and he will pay of debt. All of these choices are Gregors they are what he based his life off of.When he changes into a bug his mentality is altered. He begins to realize that all that he did for his family eventually is forgotten and soon he is forgotten about too. Kafka relates this to the human speed up and its inevitable end. When humans die in the beginning they are remembered, but slowly people forget, or lose interest, until eventually that soulfulness is in all forgotten about and life goes on. This previous command is clearly seen in the novel when the family moves and decides that is time to hook up with off their daughter. They never mention anything about the redness of their son.In Blade Runner the main character Deckard destroys replicants. He does his job and usually never questions the reasons wherefore he destroys the human-like robots. The director seems to try to get across the point early that Deckard lives a meaningless life. He does whatever he asks whenever he wants. At stolon it seems like he lives a life much like Meursault, but later it becomes clear that he is trying to find a meaning for life. When talk of the town to Roy, Deckard realizes that in life everyone is going to die and that everything that person did would be forgotten and lost.At the same time Roy explains the value of life, the choices, love, and things humans can experience. Blade Runner tries to get across to the viewer that they are who the y want to be and that in the end the choices and things theyve seen will be forgotten and meaningless. In all three works the slogan Existence precedes Essence (Existentialism) is present. Each one of the main characters makes their choices which determine their nature. Every one of the characters at some point realizes that they all share a common trait with the rest of the human race and that is death.They also know that in the end they will be forgotten about and eventually everyone will move on with their lives as if they never existed. These works differ in the way each character goes about their lives. Meursault believes there is no meaning to life so he lives his life on the fly. He does whatever pleases him. Gregor begins with a life he has chosen for himself only to realize that eventually all that he has done will be forgotten and lost. Finally Deckard begins with no meaning and tries to determine a meaning through replicants.He realizes that the choices in his life are w hat makes his life meaningful. Throughout these works Existentialism was present. The characters offered a glimpse of the reason for existence. Whether it was for providing for a family or kill replicants each one of the character in the end determined that life was only the choices that they make. Ultimately they all learned that everything they did and chose to do was meaningless when they were dead and there is no way to avoid it.